By samsdeadfishclub , Section Dev Notes [] Posted on Mon Mar 21, 2005 at 07:00:25 PM PST
Hey everyone. My name is thor and I just got my new, shiney domain at love and was digging around for the template in the code of the site and found the scoop site.
I really want to set my site up like this for several reasons, mainly it's going to be a "club," but I can't understand anything. Such as how to go about installing all of this stuff. I am very green to these things. SQL and Apachi might as well be greek.
I only have windows, is it even possible? The thing I get the most confused about is how/what files I would upload to my server and how to install them. oh man, I guess it might just be too difficult for me to do, any suggestions/tips/insults/ideas?
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