What is Scoop
Scoop is a "collaborative media application". It falls somewhere between a
content management system, a web bulletin board system, and a weblog.
Scoop is designed to enable your website to become a community. It empowers
your visitors to be the producers of the site, contributing news and discussion,
and making sure that the signal remains high.
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Check out what other people have done with Scoop.
New Scoop Sites
rudepeople.com in need of a makeover
951 comments, 0 new
by rudedude, Announcements
New Music Site ... in Scoop
991 comments, 0 new
by MightyD, Announcements
Trees and Things is Coming Out
743 comments, 0 new
by 3fingerspointback, Announcements
TalkLeft Moves to Scoop
636 comments, 0 new
by TalkLeft, Announcements
SciScoop Science Forum
518 comments, 0 new
by sciencebase, Announcements
New Site: "Field Gulls" Unofficial Seattle Seahawks Blog
514 comments, 0 new
by Paul Shrug, Announcements
More New Scoop Sites...
Where can I get Scoop
You can download the latest release tarball: scoop_1.1.8.tar.gz
You can grab the nightly build. Note: This is generated automatically from the current CVS, and may not be reliable! Get that here: scoop-1.1-nightly.tar.gz
The developers strongly recommend CVS as the primary way to obtain Scoop, since releases tend to have pretty long delays between them. If you have CVS installed, do the following:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@ scoop.versionhost.com:/cvs/scoop login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@ scoop.versionhost.com:/cvs/scoop co scoop
The above is two commands; each one must be on a single line. When prompted for a password for anonymous, enter 'anonymous' (without the quotes). For more CVS info, "Open Source Development with CVS" is an excellent online reference.
Where can I get help
There are several sources of information and support for Scoop. The first place to look is the scoop-help mailing list. You can browse the archives, or join the list. If you want to post a question, joining the list is strongly recommended. You can also join the #scoop IRC channel on SlashNET.
For documentation, there is the (largely complete) Scoop administrator's guide. You can also read the current
INSTALL files, from Scoop WebCVS (username and password are both "anonymous"). The admin guide is also included with Scoop, in the doc/ directory.
If you have new feature ideas or requests, or descriptions of something you're working on for Scoop, this site is the place to submit them. You can also search this site for information. If you want to get your hands dirty, or have any questions about developing for Scoop, there is also the Scoop-dev list. You can browse the archives, or join the list.
Bug reports and patches should be filed on the Scoop Bug Muncher.
If you have any problems with this site or your user account, e-mail the Admin
rudepeople.com in need of a makeover
By rudedude , Section New Scoop Sites [] Posted on Sat Oct 18, 2008 at 11:23:09 AM PST
HELP... My scoop-based rudepeople site is in need of a serious makeover. I don't have the time, talent or inclination to learn everything I need to make it "sing". Therefore, if you want to participate in an overhaul of the site, please contact off-list at rudedude [a t] rudepeople.com and tell me what you can do.
(951 comments) Comment >>
SciScoop Science Forum
By sciencebase , Section New Scoop Sites [] Posted on Wed Jun 28, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Not exactly new, but an update.
For those interested in science the SciScoop Science Forum has (almost) everything, including a Controversial Conjectures category, where members can post their most bizarre theories about life, the universe, and everything. Some of these even make it to the front page, much to the chagrin of those who vote and comment against them, but, hey, that's democracy.
Last mention on kuro5hin announced 1000 members for sciscoop, we're fast approaching the 2000 mark and are adding new features as we go. Last time, I checked the site was getting about 150,000 visitors a month overall.
If you've got a sci-tech bent, check out SciScoop.
(518 comments) Comment >>
New Site: "Field Gulls" Unofficial Seattle Seahawks Blog
By Paul Shrug , Section New Scoop Sites [] Posted on Mon Jun 19, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Field Gulls is the new, unofficial Seattle Seahawks under the banner of SportsBlogs Nation of high-quality, caffeinated pro sports blogs. It's up and ready for use and reasonable abuse.
(514 comments) Comment >>
New Site: Ventura Disc Golf
By chiggins , Section New Scoop Sites [] Posted on Thu Jun 01, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Ventura Disc Golf is now running on Scoop, and we're looking forward to having the local disc golf community contribute news, events, tips, and reviews. There's still parts of the site that need polishing, but for the most part we couldn't be happier with how it's turning out.
And of course, this announcement wouldn't be complete without a big Thank You to everyone in the Scoop Development community for making this possible. Keep up the great work, folks.
(786 comments) Comment >>
New Business Site on Scoop
By RobM , Section New Scoop Sites [] Posted on Wed Mar 29, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM PST
We launched Jotzel recently, a site focusing on business news stories and blogs. I really like Scoop's functionality.
I have to say that I'm a little ticked off at all the press being given to Digg, the "democratic Slashdot." Scoop was originally written for that concept, and beat Digg to the punch by what, 5 years? Plus I like the fact that Scoop sites stop voting on articles once they are published, thus avoiding the "popularity breeds more popularity" effect of sites like Digg.
(257 comments) Comment >>