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What is Scoop
Scoop is a "collaborative media application". It falls somewhere between a content management system, a web bulletin board system, and a weblog. Scoop is designed to enable your website to become a community. It empowers your visitors to be the producers of the site, contributing news and discussion, and making sure that the signal remains high. More >>

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New Scoop Sites in need of a makeover
951 comments, 0 new
by rudedude, Announcements

New Music Site ... in Scoop
991 comments, 0 new
by MightyD, Announcements

Trees and Things is Coming Out
743 comments, 0 new
by 3fingerspointback, Announcements

TalkLeft Moves to Scoop
636 comments, 0 new
by TalkLeft, Announcements

SciScoop Science Forum
518 comments, 0 new
by sciencebase, Announcements

New Site: "Field Gulls" Unofficial Seattle Seahawks Blog
514 comments, 0 new
by Paul Shrug, Announcements

More New Scoop Sites...

Where can I get Scoop
You can download the latest release tarball: scoop_1.1.8.tar.gz

You can grab the nightly build. Note: This is generated automatically from the current CVS, and may not be reliable! Get that here: scoop-1.1-nightly.tar.gz

The developers strongly recommend CVS as the primary way to obtain Scoop, since releases tend to have pretty long delays between them. If you have CVS installed, do the following:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@ login

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@ co scoop

The above is two commands; each one must be on a single line. When prompted for a password for anonymous, enter 'anonymous' (without the quotes). For more CVS info, "Open Source Development with CVS" is an excellent online reference.

Where can I get help
There are several sources of information and support for Scoop. The first place to look is the scoop-help mailing list. You can browse the archives, or join the list. If you want to post a question, joining the list is strongly recommended. You can also join the #scoop IRC channel on SlashNET.

For documentation, there is the (largely complete) Scoop administrator's guide. You can also read the current README and INSTALL files, from Scoop WebCVS (username and password are both "anonymous"). The admin guide is also included with Scoop, in the doc/ directory.

If you have new feature ideas or requests, or descriptions of something you're working on for Scoop, this site is the place to submit them. You can also search this site for information. If you want to get your hands dirty, or have any questions about developing for Scoop, there is also the Scoop-dev list. You can browse the archives, or join the list.

Bug reports and patches should be filed on the Scoop Bug Muncher.

If you have any problems with this site or your user account, e-mail the Admin

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Most Hotlisted Stories
· Intro To Scoop Development (650 comments) by 29 users
· So, you've installed Scoop (555 comments) by 14 users
· How to install Scoop in Windows 2000/XP (350 comments) by 11 users
· scoop and mod_gzip (1041 comments) by 9 users
· Announcing the hotlist_flex box (918 comments) by 7 users
· HOWTO: create a new opcode without writing any code (668 comments) by 7 users
· Postgres Scoop (491 comments) by 7 users
· A Proposal: Wikis for Scoop (580 comments) by 6 users
· where does one post for developers? how about a job area? (796 comments) by 5 users
· Spammers (444 comments) by 5 users

Interface of new Scoop site with pre-existing plain old webpage Announcements
By joe a , Section Help! []
Posted on Thu Aug 04, 2005 at 12:00:00 PM PST
I recently launched the Pioneer Exchange to create a space for the long-term care community to discuss/share new ideas about "culture change" in the world of nursing homes and assisted living communities. The Pioneer Network is a national non-profit umbrella group of sorts for this issue (we had a story related to our work in Newsweek last week), and in my new role as Director of Networking & Development I need to figure out how to integrate the Scoop site (the Exchange) with the now clunky but soon-to-be-redesigned plain old website.

Ideally the two sites could work "hand in glove," whereby contributions to the Exchange could be archived in some way on a more static webpage.

Does anyone have any ideas about how best to approach this? The dKos site has a dKospedia that seems to offer promise (in terms of building into the Scoop code a way to automatically link to/create content on the dKos Wiki).

(120 comments) Comment >>

Publishing an RSS feed New Code
By mtfriend , Section Help! []
Posted on Fri Jan 21, 2005 at 12:00:00 PM PST
I'm trying to publish an rss/rdf feed from my site (  Based on what I have read in the Administration Guide I think I just need to point the rdf feature to a backend.rdf file that exists on my server.  I have created the file and set it up to point to that file, but a quick test just produces a blank page.  I have two questions.
  1.  What am I doing wrong?
  2.  Once this is working will the rdf file update automatically when I post a new story?

I have to say that I find the Administrators guide lacking.  Almost every moderately difficult change I have tried to make to the site does not work the way the guide suggests it will.  The rdf feature is just another example.

A quick preview of this post reminds me of something else I haven't been able to correct.  Anytime I post a story with a link I get the following error if I have the link set to open in a new window.

Your HTML has the following error in the introtext:

Attribute TARGET for tag A is not allowed

My html should be fine because I've used the exact same code to  set links to open in a new window on other sites and it works fine.

(73 comments) Comment >>

Which Distribution is Easiest? Announcements
By GeneralZod , Section Help! []
Posted on Tue Jan 18, 2005 at 12:00:00 PM PST
I know scoop can work on almost any installation. I've installed it on a very early version of Mandrake and Irix. In the past, installation hasn't ever gone very smooth for me. I've got a box (800 Mhz Pentium with a gig of ram) without an OS that I'm going to run scoop on and not much else. Out of the box, which distribution is most scoop-friendly?

(54 comments) Comment >>

Running Scoop on a shared host, Part 2. Need help please! Announcements
By loveacrossborders , Section Help! []
Posted on Fri Jan 07, 2005 at 12:00:00 PM PST
I discovered Scoop a few weeks ago. And I have been nothing short of impressed by what it can do.

My wife and I have a non-profit here in Thailand. We'd really love to setup a Scoop site. But there's just one problem - yep you guessed it (from the title) - we're being hosted on a shared server.

So I thought that I was only wasting my time. But then today, I found an old article posted on here regarding how it's possible to run Scoop on a shared box.

But I'm afraid that I already tried following the directions and I've had very little luck. Has anyone actually pulled off doing it before? If so, would you mind sharing a little bit of insight into how? I have some specific questions, mainly regarding the exact paths that I'm suppose to use. I'm on Yahoo Messenger: 'loveacrossborders' and AIM: 'applesbliss

Here is the article that I am referring to:

(59 comments) Comment >>

Implementing Scoop to Host User Blogs? Feature Requests
By The Dean of Cincinnati , Section Help! []
Posted on Tue Dec 21, 2004 at 12:00:00 PM PST
I am searching for some solutions to Cincinnati's Indie Media scene.  I like Scoop, but I don't know if it can do what I'm looking for.  In short, we would like a main news site for our Independent Media Network (  But we would also like to encourage area bloggers to move their blogs over to our address.  So, for example, we would like to become  Is that type of url compatibility possible with Scoop?  Could users still maintain distinct blogging identities, and even maintain their Google advertisements, if we were to be using Scoop?

(34 comments) Comment >>

How to change the default layout Themes
By mtfriend , Section Help! []
Posted on Tue Dec 07, 2004 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Okay, this is a very green question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. I just got Scoop installed on my site and I want to change the theme (template). I would like to model the site after or Does anyone have any suggestions for doing this?

Thanks -mtfriend

(219 comments) Comment >>

Help Wanted: Make Scoop a Tabloid News Site Announcements
By mpaiello , Section Help! []
Posted on Sat Nov 13, 2004 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Movable Type/TypePad and Scoop Consultant Needed

(57 comments, 458 words in story) Full Story >>

Desktop blog software for Scoop? Feature Requests
By grist , Section Help! []
Posted on Sun Oct 10, 2004 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Is there a standalone piece of desktop software that can be used to post stories on Scoop sites?

Back when I used Moveable Type I used Zempt.  Lots of people like Ecto.

Is there anything that works with Scoop?

(120 comments) Comment >>

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