After the rather rude experience of trying to get the puppy to work on an RH8.0/Apache 2.x box I finally bit the bullet and reconfigured an internal (no longer in use) RH7.3 firewall to install/run scoop.
Promptly, the automated installer started barfing on the required perl modules for Apache::Request. So after much digging around and futile teeth gnashing I settled down to do all this stuff by hand.
Mind now, I am good at bash, suck at perl and detest databases. So why am I doing this? Practice and learn something new. If I can make myself learn Windows, I figure I can learn mysql and perl to get at something that I actually would like to learn better (scoop).
Final upshot, got everything running running after I figured out that the internal server error under Apache was a gentle reminder to move the scoop directory into /var/www/html where it belongs.
I already created my first user account, of course exile1974 as I am known as at k5 and now here.
Next I might try to find another machine and see what the CVS/nightly looks like.This will give me bragging rights down at the shelter...