File Library
By vwX , Section Dev Notes [] Posted on Tue Oct 08, 2002 at 03:19:53 PM PST
I've been working on a file library module for Scoop since about spring. I stopped in the summer because of other projects, but now I have a bit of time to work on it some more.
Here are some features it has and some that are still in process.
- You can upload most any file type.
- Short and long description
- Section for organization
- Limit upload to certain groups
- Global or per user file upload size limit
- Not so easy inclusion of pictures in stories
- Javascript based file picking for stories
- User can specify own section
- User can create photo gallery
- Per user total file upload limit
- Administrator approval of picture uploads
- Locking of used files and images so they can't be deleted
In a few days (by end of weekend) I'll make the files and diff's available via ftp.
-vwX |
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