Basically, Kuro5hin's readers are largely either uninterested, dismissive of or opposed to Anarchist writing on K5 (though there are exceptions), so I figured it was probably time to start a site specifically for that. It's now available at
Since that site is also available on the OpenNIC domain name kulture.indy, I had to get Scoop to work properly for a two domain site. As long as I was at that, I got it in the SSL server too, using one config and two virtual hosts.
The main config is set up as www.kulture.indy, with a normal Scoop config. To prepare the two virtual hosts, it has two Name statements:
The two statements are necessary because Apache really hates it when you mix wildcard statements with port-specific virtual hosts (which the must be, since it doesn't have an SSL cert; OpenNIC certification is free, certification on an ICANN name costs $125/year).
Since the SSL certification is for www.kulture.indy, the SSL virtual host is normal, inheriting its Scoop config entirely from the main config. The virtual host for is as follows:
PerlSetVar cookie_host
You only need to specify the things that are different from the primary config, so all it has is the name-specific bits, and sets Scoop's cookie_host variable correctly for this domain name.
I want to thank Rusty (for giving us Scoop) for suggesting that cookie_host was probably the only bit that needed to be changed and that a name-based VirtualHost setup could probably do this. He was right, it can. ;-)