I am very interested in getting URLs to 'RDF' files from operators of Scoop sites. As you may know, an RDF file is an XML file that lists the most current headlines for a site.
RDF files are an enabling technology for Headline Syndication. They allow other sites and applications to automatically fetch and process the latest news from a site. Think of them as (free) banner ads that actually work to draw traffic to the site.
The great thing about running a Scoop site is that Scoop can produce the necessary RDF file without any on-going work on your part. The URL that I need consists of the URL to your site, followed by a base name and the file name specified in the rdf_file section of your configuration. Note that you will also have to enable RDF generation (see the info in the cron/rdf.pl file for details).
Lots of other sites and applications can consume headlines and do interesting things with them. I run the newsfeeds weblog (http://newsfeeds.manilasites.com) and I will be happy to publicize any submitted Scoop sites. I will also consider it for inclusion in my Headline Viewer (www.headlineviewer.com) application.
Feel free to send URLS to RDF files to me (jeff@vertexdev.com) and to ask me questions about RSS, XML, or headline syndication.