What to do...
By hurstdog , Section Dev Notes [] Posted on Tue Feb 06, 2001 at 01:58:18 PM PST
Here is a small update of what I'm planning on doing next in scoop. Just keeping people informed, and if anyone has any suggestions, tack them on here.
In no particular order :
- Panner's Problem* and original email patch, apply and commit - Done
- Mystic's Email Digest code, apply and commit - Done
- Split Polls .pm into Polls.pm and Polls/ subdir
- Rework the Vars interface, for usability
- Look into adding non-mutually exclusive polls (so you could choose more than one answer at once)
- make the "this poll is attached to story foo" actually link to that story in the edit polls page, instead of just telling the sid - Done
- put in Defect's sticky sig patch, if he writes one, or just code it myself
- change the "edit story" link when viewing a poll to "edit poll" - Already Done... oops ;-)
- X new comments in the hotlist
- Splitting long pages with lots of comments to only display N per page, ala the slashdot way
- PerlPod everything I can get my hands on
* Panner's Problem is a race condition that panner found while coding the original email patch. It is when creating a user, scoop just does a select in the db for the highest uid, then adds one and inserts, this can fail if 2 people create accounts at the same time, but it will just give an error message to the user. So his patch will lock the user table when creating a user, to stop the race for uid's.
This is not a complete list, but its what I've been thinking about lately. If you have any more suggestions, please post them below.
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