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By dram , Section New Scoop Sites []
Posted on Sun Dec 30, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Yes, that's right! is up and running! What, you might ask, is the meaning of all of this? What is Why is it here? What will it do? And how do I pronounce it? Yes, all of these questions, and more, will be answered. Just read on!

Our lovely friend, dram, has been working on getting up and running for the past week. Yes, that's right; it has taken him more than a week to get a simple Scoop site up and running...

Yes, it has taken him this long just to be able to create new users on his site. But now that he can, now that he can, will become the benchmark for all political discussion sites for years to come.

WHAT? But political discussion is an oxymoron! Well I say, "Nay," to that. Yes, that's correct; you too can be like Pat Robertson and spread your wacky ideas. Through you can spread your beliefs about politics, gain a following and take over the world.

The only thing you need to know to be able to do this is how to pronounce it (and you most likely don't even need to know that). But just incase you do, it is pronounced in-GEH-noo-eet-tahs.

So you should all go and create an account and start to participate in lively political discussion forum.

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Display: Sort: up and running, with the ability to create users! | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)
deleted old users? (1.00 / 1) (#1)
by cp on Sun Dec 30, 2001 at 11:07:44 PM PST

I had a lovely uid of 3 or 4 or so, but my account is gone now. Please don't tell me I'll have to settle for a uid in the low double digits. :(

uid5 looks like it belongs to a dummy test account ( -- a quick db update could switch the account name and assign it to me.

All in the name of equity....

bsdddbbb (none / 0) (#4)
by varetoo on Wed Nov 07, 2018 at 02:01:15 AM PST

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bsdbdsbsbs (none / 0) (#5)
by mimua on Thu Mar 28, 2019 at 11:43:13 AM PST

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Read the following article (none / 0) (#6)
by coulos on Sat May 18, 2019 at 06:46:11 AM PST

Read the following article up and running, with the ability to create users! | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)
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