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Saving works in progress. Feature Requests
By Defect , Section Wishlist []
Posted on Thu Jan 11, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Perhaps as an addition at the end of the list of the goings on of scoop, could be just a "Save" button during the submit story process so that users can leave an article/diary entry mid-thought and return to it later. I know the obvious argument against it "you have a computer, save it there" but it would be nice to have a copy online, especially for those of us who use many different computers and may want to work on it at different places (*cough* like those of us at work *cough*).

I imagine this can be easily implemented by just adding a "Save" button to the submit story page to call a function that just sets the stories display_status to '-1' right off the bat and perhaps adds it to a new section called 'Draft' (which would not be searchable by the common user due to all 'Drafts' never being anything but hidden). It would be adding editor abilities to a normal user only for stories where $S->{NICK} eq $story->{aid} and $story->{section} eq 'Draft'.

I can only imagine this benefitting scoop sites by encouraging authors to take time while they're writing and by allowing unfinished stories to be viewed/edited at more than one computer.
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· A good idea 50%
· I wouldn't use it but it couldn't hurt. 12%
· Scoop'll get clogged by people leaving thousands of stories as 'Drafts' 12%
· Some of your ideas are good, Defect, but this one sucks. 0%
· All of your ideas suck, Defect. 0%
· It's useless. 0%
· I don't even write any stories so this would never apply to me. 12%
· It would cause problems. 0%
· You don't know the scoop code at all, do you? 0%
· chocolate covered pork fat. 12%

Votes: 8
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· Also by Defect

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Saving works in progress. | 8 comments (8 topical, 0 hidden)
Feature creep? (3.00 / 2) (#1)
by loner on Thu Jan 11, 2001 at 12:34:22 PM PST

In my opinion this looks like a feature creep. I think scoop should stick to the core of what it's intended to do and let other applications handle related tasks. If scoop starts doing too much, it becomes bloated and stops doing anything well.

If you want to share your work-in-progress between computers, there are already online solutions for that: get yourself a web-based email account, and email yourself copies of your stories (it works just as well as online storage). Some web-based email will even let you save draft copies.

What we need is not to add features for saving drafts or spell-checking or whatever, but "how-to" documents that can be easily found and accessed, describing what other applications people can use in conjunction with a scoop-site. But then I suppose these documents will be site-specific, not generic to all scoop implementations.

One thing... (3.00 / 3) (#3)
by hurstdog on Thu Jan 11, 2001 at 01:42:51 PM PST

The only thing I would worry about with this is users leaving drafts all over the scoop database like you say in your poll. This could be easily stopped though, by only allowing say 3 drafts maximum. Also there would need to be some easy way for the person to get to their drafts, maybe another box? Lastly, I think that drafts should have a time limit (like, delete after 3 weeks of no updates), so if a bunch of people start to write stories, then later forget, the database doesn't get huge.

other than that I think its a good idea. I like it! :-)


My 2 cents (4.00 / 2) (#5)
by Dries on Fri Jan 12, 2001 at 03:10:53 AM PST

I don't think this belongs in Scoop: it clutters the engine. However, nothing stops you from making a separate "tool" (using a separate database) for people to store, edit and review articles on the internet. I mean, this is something that does not necessarily has to be integrated with Scoop that tight. In other words: make it a stand-alone project. If this works out as a separate project and if you are lucky - rusty might provide you a cheesy vhost such as "" or whatsoever.
-- Dries weblog - drupal engine

Another use (3.66 / 3) (#6)
by jacob on Sat Jan 13, 2001 at 11:54:58 PM PST

If this were implemented, it might be a good idea to actually allow drafts to be viewable like regular stories, so that readers could make editorial comments that the author could actually act on.

Just an idea.

Great (none / 0) (#8)
by dungmourice on Fri Jun 22, 2018 at 02:08:52 AM PST

I think that you can also find some info on how to write classification essay here. THis kind of tips could be really helpful for you in the future

Saving works in progress. | 8 comments (8 topical, 0 hidden)
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