Hosting for a Scoop Site?
By quam , Section Dev Notes [] Posted on Sat Dec 30, 2000 at 04:28:27 PM PST
Considering Scoop runs on mod_perl, there are few virtual hosting selections. Any suggestions? According to NetCraft, (a sponsor of k5) runs mod_perl, would they support Scoop?
Of course running off of my own box or having a dedicated server would be ideal, but it is not an option. My financial resources are extremely limited. However, I want to give running a Scoop site a shot while contributing to the community. As a result, virtual hosting is my only option. I understand some hosting companies support mod_perl, but I am unsure how they would look upon a Scoop site sucking up some of their resources.
I imagine that a Scoop site I put up wouldn't have too many visitors/pageviews/KBs sent, but I don't want to get settled in and have to quickly pack my bags.
Any suggestions or experience running Scoop (successfully) on a virtual host? Thanks in advance. |
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