Allow users to display all/best/none stories of each section
By caseyscrib , Section Wishlist [] Posted on Sat Jan 29, 2005 at 12:00:00 PM PST
I would like to be able to allow users to display only sections that are relevant/important to them. In their preferences, next to each section they would be able to select "all", "best/Front Page", or "none". Only stories in these sections would then be displayed on the homepage.
Slashdot currently uses a system like this and you can see it here.
The reason I want to do this is because I have a political website with sections for each state (NY, NH, NJ, Etc) and general categories (Technology, Economy, Etc). Somebody from NH probably doesn't want to see discussions related to NY, so it would be nice if they could check "none", and never see any of those stories. Likewise, somebody that doesn't care about environmental issues could choose "none", environmental nuts could choose "all" and moderates could chose "Front Page" stories only.
Of course, anyone would still be able to see all the stories of that section by simply going to it's section page. |
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