Scoop newbie with questions about formatting and moderation
By newyesterday , Section Help! [] Posted on Sun Feb 15, 2004 at 12:00:00 PM PST
A friend and I have just begun making a new Scoop site, using the build from 2/10. There are a couple of things I haven't figured out yet, and I'd appreciate the community's help.
1. First of all, I want to make a top nav that goes directly to the left and top edges of the screen. However, Scoop seems to be putting a margin around the whole page, including what you designate as the header. Where do I edit this?
2. We're interested in having a different kind of moderation on our site. In fact, we don't want any group moderation. We want admins and editors to be able to post to the front page, but not regular users. Anything an admin or editor posts should go up immediately. Regular users should only be able to post to their diaries, which don't show up on the front page. How can this be done?
Thanks for any advice. |
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