I am troubled that I can't seem to google up a solution for myself, since this is probably a newbie question. I have been going through the new admin guide and learning about scoop, but somewhere along the line I seem to have broken my topic images. However topics in general seem to be funtioning and show up in the Story Listm and the Topics section (w/ the proper icons) in the admin menu.
Just to make sure I am not overlooking something simple, he is a list of pertient vars and stuff that I have checked and seem to be set correctly:
- var use_topic set to 1
- var topics is set to /topics
- Display Prefs:Show topic images with stories? Yes
- I have added several topics but none of them seem to display, not even the original scoop.jpg
I have tried to track down the problem through the blocks. The frontpage calls the block CONTENT that seems to be a special magic block from my research. I found the section content under blocks that has story_summary, which seems to call something called topic_img to display the topic. I tried changing that to topic_text to no avail.
I have a site that works generates this HTML for the image:
A HREF="/?op=search&topic=scoop" IMG SRC="/images/topics/scoop.jpg" WIDTH="80" HEIGHT="50" ALT="Scoop" ALIGN="right" BORDER=0
Please forgive me if this is stupid.