The rdf_feeds box can take arguments. If you specify the feed number in the box call when you place it on the page template, it will display those feeds, guaranteed.
So, instead of going |BOX,rdf_feeds| you would go |BOX,rdf_feeds,3,7,15| and those feeds will be displayed. If you put 7,15,3 in the box, it'll still display 3,7,15 because it does them in numeric order. (Unless you change the box to do them in the order you specify; haven't looked at how hard that would be.)
To find out what number a particular feed is, go to the RDF Feeds admin tool and hover over the RDF URL entry for that feed; the actual destination of the link has the RDF feed number in it.
If the RDF feeds box is given feed numbers to display, it will display only those feeds; if not, it will display whichever feeds the user has selected in the display preferences. So, you could have:
and the three feeds you specify will be displayed, followed by whichever feeds the user chooses.
The boxes are turned on and off together by the display preferences, so if you don't want users to be able to turn the static box off, you should uncheck the "allow user to toggle box off" in the boxes admin tool.
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