ryanthiessen.com moves to scoop
By theantix , Section New Scoop Sites [] Posted on Tue Sep 24, 2002 at 12:00:00 PM PST
My personal website has been moved over to scoop. If you are interested in how Scoop could be used for a less blog-oriented CMS, check it out.
You might argue that using scoop for a small personal website is overkill, but I've already got it installed, and the boxes/blocks interface is wonderful for site design.
To create my design I use a combination of stories and special pages. Scoop works great for this because you can very easily add and manage content from anywhere without having to fiddle with FTP.
My limitiations thus far:
- Uploading files still requires FTP, but I am in the process of introducing a file uploading mechanism from inside scoop.
- There is no mechanism for deleting special pages.
- Some special pages (like my resume) shouldn't use the default_template but they all use the template specified by the 'special' op. I plan to create a mechanism to override the template for a given special page.
- It is difficult to manage a large number of special pages. I might try to come up with a plan for this as well.
In short, I am very happy using scoop as a regular CMS despite the aforementioned limitations. |
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