If you click on "User Info" for popular K5 users such as RegisteredJustForThisComment, you will find a wealth of interesting information provided under-
Get this- not under Bio, but under Public Key.
I would like the system to be fixed so that Bio information appears in the Bio box. To get people to do that, give them some incentive: Make it so that you can use HTML, Auto-Format, & Plain Text (and whatever else you come up with in the future) within the Bio description.
It would also be kind of nice if there were a second box for comment rating policy. If you did that, you could put on the comment rating pages a star next to the ratings, which, if clicked, reveal the user's comment rating policy.
Actually, comment rating policy would be nice as a commentable "story" in itself. People could critique one another's comment rating policy.
But I digress- the key thing is: Give Bio's equal formatting capabilities as comments.