A few bugs in the new editing queue
By theboz , Section Dev Notes [] Posted on Sun Apr 21, 2002 at 03:39:11 PM PST
After testing the new editing queue I have discovered a few errors. One of these is a bug, the other is a usability issue.
The first problem is a bug with the polls. When I submit a story to the editing queue and attach a poll, I can vote on the poll. However, if I were to change an option on the poll it clears out the totals of the options, but it still keeps my vote. Here is a screenshot to demonstrate the example. I think a better option would be to find a way to prevent people from voting altogether. It also would work to reset the vote, but I don't know which is easier.
The usability problem I have found is with the "Cancel Submission" process. It isn't very clear how you would cancel it. When designing forms, I usually go left to right but in this case you have to go right to left when you want to cancel by selecting the checkbox to the right then go left and click the button. Personally, I would use javascript to pop up a box saying, "Are you sure you want to delete this story?" and giving options of Yes and No. There are probably other options that are less offensive to those with non-javascript enabled browsers though. The other thing is that after you cancel a story, it takes you to the editing screen again, rather than giving any sort of real confirmation that the story was deleted. I think it would be good to be able to look at something very similar to the screen you get after submitting a story.
I could come up with a few other ideas for niceties, but I think those two are the big ones that I noticed with the editing process. |
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