Doing it hurstdogy Style
By hillct , Section Dev Notes [] Posted on Fri Mar 22, 2002 at 05:51:44 AM PST
I had a rude awakening durring the lunch hour today. I was rejected and advised that I would be more readily accepted if I did it hurstdog style, for the added enjoyment of others. Aparently there are a bunch of people who like to watch and it pleases them to see people doing it hurstdog style.
Although I don't enjoy hurstdog style myself, I recognize that I should be more compationate and consider the needs of others as I get it done.
So in submitting the Subsections Patch, I needed to locate a good perl code beautifier. I tried a few and the best seems to be PerlTidy. It allows me to skip over the tedious up front work that aparently some people prefer. It's a creat program in that it allows me to add one quick step to my habitual routine which I think pleases everyone involved. |
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