Zero ratings
By Weezul , Section Code [] Posted on Sun Jan 20, 2002 at 12:00:00 PM PST
I have two small requests for changes to the zero ratings system which should help make the system harder to abuse.
First, it is possible to rate posts to zero, post a lot of spam from a second account, and rate the spam to zero too. The spam will effectivly force the young zero rated posts off the review hidden comment page, making review unlikely. I suggest that you weight the review hidden comment page to contain at least some comments with realitivly few zero ratings (as well as pruerly recent hidden comments). If the comments truely are spam they should rack up zero ratings on the review hidden comments page and get pushed down the list.
Second, it is possible to spam slightly old diaries of unpopular untrusted users without fear of recieving zero ratings. Clearly, you can do the same thing to old stories, but you could do it to diaries that are less old and possibly anoy the diary writer. I'm not shure why someone would want to do this and I'm not shure it would be a problem if they did, but it is still possible. *If* this ever becomes a problem (unlikely), I suggest that you allow every user to rate posts to zero within their own diary.
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