my Scoop TODO
By panner , Section Dev Notes [] Posted on Sun Jun 10, 2001 at 09:37:35 PM PST
Well, right now, my immediate TODO has the following on it:
- Finish up the new cron system and put it in. I'm about 95% done with this, just need to write a script to run from crontab.
- I've fixed the double quote bug (I think). I just need to test it some more and put it in.
- Hotlist has some problems with stuff like being hotlisted from a section, which is because it only adds the op to "redirect" to. Need to fix this.
- DJBongHit sent me a "patch" so that "X words in body" is only displayed if there is a body. Need to put this in.
- I've been working on a new url style, which I'm about 80% done with. Once I finish up the function to make them, I'll check it in, but that will just be support for them. Scoop will keep making the old url's for now.
- After that, I'll start switching scoop over to new url's.
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