On the moderation page...
By skim123 , Section Wishlist [] Posted on Fri Apr 06, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
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Just a quick request: right now on the moderation page we see a "Score." It would be nice if we could also see a count of the votes for each of the three categories, like:
56 [69|34|13]
In such a case it would mean that there were 69 +1's, 34 0's, and 13 -1's for a total of score of 56... yeah, yeah, one can click on the story and see all of this info and more (like who voted how), but it would be nice to see it from one page.
Also... I hate to sound like a manager here, but I love reports and stats. Has anyone ever considered writing a reporting page that would show all sorts of crazy stats (and graphs, woo hoo!) like:
- ratio of posted to rejected stories plotted over time
- total number of submitted stories per unit time
- average rating for a comment plotted over time
- Etc.... I have hundreds of neat stats that would be cool to see graphed out.
I do write code too, I swear... I'm not a PHB, despite my affinity for graphs. |
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