more todo
By hurstdog , Section Dev Notes [] Posted on Sun Apr 01, 2001 at 04:25:37 PM PST
more todo stuff, in body
- add a user pref for sticky stuff, so they can choose the behavior they want
- change 'regular' to 'retroactive' for sticky sig stuff
- make var names a link to edit them
- better category management in site controls
- fix up installer more (inoshiro, test!)
- split up long comment pages like slashdot does
- make a documentation page for scoop.k5
- make a faq page for scoop.k5
- "next story" link in moderation queue
- change search to not just search on phrase
- more advanced searching (dates?)
- more perlpod, of course
- general code cleanup
- maybe have 2 diff scoop install options, "With docs" "No Docs", where with docs will have links to special pages that are docs throughout scoop, like "what is this?"
well thats about all for now, any more suggestions, post them below |
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