Who is online?
By kellan , Section Wishlist [] Posted on Thu Mar 15, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
"There are currently 31 members, and 91 guests online."
Wouldn't it be cool, to have a box that gives you that sort of information? A quick glance to remind you that you are talking to a large global audience.(And should maybe spell check your work)
I think it would be a neat feature to know how many people are curerntly online, and optionally display the information about individuals on their user info page.
Does scoop keep user session objects around in memory? If so this could probably be used as a hook for keeping track of how many people and whom, are online.
Other implmentations would not be difficult. The system doesn't need to be real fault tolerant, as the whole concept of "online" is kind of a fuzzy concept for a website.
Freshmeat, and PHPNuke, have similiar features. |
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