First cut DB2 database
By sfischer , Section Dev Notes [] Posted on Tue Dec 18, 2001 at 11:04:03 AM PST
Here's the first cut at converting the scoop.sql to be DB2 compliant
I did all this last week and hoped to complete the loose ends prior to posting, but it's gotten busy. Hopefully I'll have some time to work on this over the next couple of weeks.
I'd like to see some more information on what the individual who got it working on Postgres did. Also, I'd concur with earlier discussion on scoop-dev that subclassing is probably the way to go.
- Convert # comments to --. Currently all comments start on the first column of a line so it's a easy fix.
- Convert int(\d*) to integer.
- Convert text to clob(65536).
- Change default to "with default".
- Convert tinyint to smallint.
- Convert tinytext to varchar(255).
Open issues I need to look at.
- Backslashed quotes within values break the quotes.
- integer not null default 0 types violate sql definitions
- datetime. SQL92 has no datetime. There are date, time or timestamp. We'll need to make a decision what is the best way to go here.
That's it for now.
-swf |
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