Editorial/Topical Warning Location
By gauntlet , Section Code [] Posted on Fri Jan 19, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
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In posting a comment to a story in the submission queue, you are required to indicate whether your post is editorial or topical. If you do not make an indication, a warning message appears above the article in response to your hitting the "Post" button.
But that warning, depending on article length and screen size, will often not be seen.
The warning appears above the "Replying To:" header, and the entire story. However, when the page is loaded, it is loaded to an anchor which displays the editing windows.
If the story is of sufficient length and or the screen size is sufficiently small, then the process of displaying the edit fields for the story scrolls the warning off the top of the page.
So, 2 things: First, add the warning to the preview screen. Second, in both circumstances, move the warning to directly above the edit section, or even better, right next to the drop-down list. |
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