Vote for topic/section as well when voting for stories.
By Defect , Section Wishlist [] Posted on Fri Dec 15, 2000 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Wading through the submission queue on K5 and the related comments i came across a story (Boarding Schools (at 56 now, it may be out of the queue when you see this)) that seemed to be in the wrong section and topic.
I'm suggesting that when submitting stories, the user can choose the topics that he/she personally thinks the story should be in, but during the moderation process, when users vote +1/0/-1 they also vote what section/topic the story should go up into.
This would take some load off the editors who may not be able to re-section a story before it's voted up, and it would ideally always place stories up in the sections they belong in.
There could be two drop down boxes next to the voting box, with the topics/sections in either, respectively. The default values for both could be either the values that the story submitter chose, or just a "no preference" or "i don't care," so that people who are too lazy to think about their vote don't have to do any more work than they already to when voting.
Is this something that would benefit scoop? Or am i just over estimating a problem that really isn't there? |
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