More GET string fun. Now with 100% more polls.
By Defect , Section Code [] Posted on Fri Dec 15, 2000 at 12:00:00 PM PST
What seems to be a feature, but is currently not entirely implemented (or maybe reserved for admins), can still be accessed by anyone. It involves setting up initial values for poll options.
Aside from that, it's just another bug report from the self-proclaimed GETbitch.
In any submit story page (either diary or normal), a user can view the source code, extract the Poll ID (qid/editqid) and enter arguments into the get string as so:
/?op=submitstory;editqid=[POLL ID];qid=[POLL ID];votes1=[#];votes2=[#];votes[0<n<11]=[#];preview=Preview;
(if it's a diary, add "section=Diary;" to the above. also, i imagine you can set or use any Poll ID, but i haven't checked it, i didn't want to flood the dev diary list here with tests.)
The user submitting the story can set the number of initial votes for a poll option. After entering the above, when the page loads anew, the values will be set and the user can go about entering the story as normal, so the GET string char limit does not hinder the exploitation of this bug. This is another non-serious bug but it does allow a normal user the ability to do things that they shouldn't have. (Again, i'm not sure if this is an admin only thing, an old option now removed, or a new option not fully implemented. I'm guessing either admin-only or just some debugging code that hasn't been removed.)
As an example of the result, you can check out the poll attached to this story.
(miscellaneous : there is also a "voters" argument you can add to the get string which seems to be a way to set the initial amount of voters but it appears to be over ridden with the sum of the votes for all the options, i can't find any other use for it.) |
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