Let me summarise the problem, and alternate proposal before giving the patch.
The problem was that:
- When a story(diary is also a story for scoop)is submitted, the story author's nick is hyperlinked to a search for all stories by that nick.
- When a comment is posted, the commentator's nick is not linked to anything. But there is a "User Info" section that is hyperlinked to a page showing the guy's info like email, homepage etc.
- This creates a disparity. The implementation is not uniform and confusion can result.
The solution specs. is as follows:
- Both stories and comments will have the "User Info" section which will be hyperlinked to the story writer/commentator's userinfo.
- Both the story and the comments will have the nick hyperlinked to search. The story-nick hyperlink will search all stories by that author while the comments-nick will be hyperlinked to search other comments by that commentator.
If that is an acceptable solution, the way to do it as follows. (The following patches were made using diff -Naur Original New command).
Step 1 - To get the story header to have the "User Info" section, edit the /lib/Scoop/Stories/Elements.pm to apply user_info_in_stories.patch
Step 2 - Not to get the nick hyperlinked to the search in the comments, edit the lib/Scoop/Comments/Format.pm to apply nick_hyperlinkto_search.patch.