What is Scoop
Scoop is a "collaborative media application". It falls somewhere between a
content management system, a web bulletin board system, and a weblog.
Scoop is designed to enable your website to become a community. It empowers
your visitors to be the producers of the site, contributing news and discussion,
and making sure that the signal remains high.
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New Scoop Sites
rudepeople.com in need of a makeover
950 comments, 0 new
by rudedude, Announcements
New Music Site ... in Scoop
991 comments, 0 new
by MightyD, Announcements
Trees and Things is Coming Out
743 comments, 0 new
by 3fingerspointback, Announcements
TalkLeft Moves to Scoop
636 comments, 0 new
by TalkLeft, Announcements
SciScoop Science Forum
518 comments, 0 new
by sciencebase, Announcements
New Site: "Field Gulls" Unofficial Seattle Seahawks Blog
514 comments, 0 new
by Paul Shrug, Announcements
More New Scoop Sites...
Where can I get Scoop
You can download the latest release tarball: scoop_1.1.8.tar.gz
You can grab the nightly build. Note: This is generated automatically from the current CVS, and may not be reliable! Get that here: scoop-1.1-nightly.tar.gz
The developers strongly recommend CVS as the primary way to obtain Scoop, since releases tend to have pretty long delays between them. If you have CVS installed, do the following:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@ scoop.versionhost.com:/cvs/scoop login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@ scoop.versionhost.com:/cvs/scoop co scoop
The above is two commands; each one must be on a single line. When prompted for a password for anonymous, enter 'anonymous' (without the quotes). For more CVS info, "Open Source Development with CVS" is an excellent online reference.
Where can I get help
There are several sources of information and support for Scoop. The first place to look is the scoop-help mailing list. You can browse the archives, or join the list. If you want to post a question, joining the list is strongly recommended. You can also join the #scoop IRC channel on SlashNET.
For documentation, there is the (largely complete) Scoop administrator's guide. You can also read the current
INSTALL files, from Scoop WebCVS (username and password are both "anonymous"). The admin guide is also included with Scoop, in the doc/ directory.
If you have new feature ideas or requests, or descriptions of something you're working on for Scoop, this site is the place to submit them. You can also search this site for information. If you want to get your hands dirty, or have any questions about developing for Scoop, there is also the Scoop-dev list. You can browse the archives, or join the list.
Bug reports and patches should be filed on the Scoop Bug Muncher.
If you have any problems with this site or your user account, e-mail the Admin
Scoop Ad Server
By hurstdog , Section Project [] Posted on Mon Sep 24, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Below is a quick write-up about a possible scoop ad server. Please read it, and let me know what you think. If there is anything you would like, let me know. Anything you don't, let me know.
(177 comments, 1070 words in story) Full Story >>
What Now?
By panner , Section Project [] Posted on Fri Sep 07, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
A month ago, Scoop 0.8 was released, with all kinds of improvments over Scoop
0.6. Since then, not much has happened in development. But hopefully that will
change before long, as developers find time to code new things, and maybe even
some patches will come in :) So now is the time to speak up. What features do
you want to see in the next release (Scoop 1.0, most likely)? How do you want
those features to work? What do you think needs improvement? Post below any
ideas you have, and want to see in Scoop.
(88 comments, 271 words in story) Full Story >>
Scoop 0.8 Released
By panner , Section Project [] Posted on Mon Aug 06, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Scoop 0.8 is (finally :) out, with tarballs available on Sourceforge
as both .gz and .bz2 files. It's been about four months since Scoop 0.6 was
released, and this release includes many new features, bug fixes, and docs. For
anyone that cares, Scoop 0.8 is available under the scoop-0_8-stable
branch, while development will continue in the main trunk. The changelog for
0.8 is below.
Update [2001-8-15 21:13:55 by rusty]: It should be known that panner and hurstdog share the vast majority of the credit for this release. They've really taken over the running of the project, and panner especially got the last few bugs fixed and did all the releasing for 0.8. So when you thank someone for this sucker, thank them! :-)
(17 comments, 696 words in story) Full Story >>
All right, who broke the hotlist?
By janra , Section Project [] Posted on Wed Jul 04, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
I first noticed it here, a couple of days ago. Then when I updated to cvs it showed up on my site as well.
(2 comments, 87 words in story) Full Story >>
Performance and Caching Ideas
By rusty , Section Project [] Posted on Sat Jun 30, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Recent traffic on K5 has forced me to start thinking about performance
again. I guess that's not a bad thing. :-)
Essentially, as far as I can tell, performance of the current design is
pretty much maxed out. It's as efficient as it can be without major
changes. Also, I really like the current code design, so I'm reluctant
to make major changes to it. Nevertheless, performance at high-load is
still really not as good as I want (and need) it to be.
So, as of right now, there are two major areas I can think of where
performance could be improved without major disruptions. The first is
archiving stories to keep the database relatively small, and the second
is creating static cached pages for Anonymous viewers. I wanted to throw
my thoughts out there and see if anyone could come up with major flaws
or any suggestions about them. [Cross-posted on scoop-help as well. I wanted to hit as many people as possible]
(20 comments, 1404 words in story) Full Story >>
"Section Denied" messages
By hurstdog , Section Project [] Posted on Fri Jun 29, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
In rewriting a lot of the section permission stuff that I had the
misfortune to forget was on a drive I reformatted, I've been able to
do some things different/better. One thing I'm having questions about
though is, how to handle sections/stories/comments the user doesn't
have permission to see?
(462 words in story) Full Story >>
By hurstdog , Section Project [] Posted on Fri Apr 20, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Scoop-0.6 has been released! These past couple weeks not much has changed, just installer fixes. We wanted it to be pretty stable and clear before we fully released 0.6. Below are a few notes about future releases and cvs (most of the cvs has been said before, but some probably haven't seen it).
(3 comments, 557 words in story) Full Story >>
Keeping track of cvs
By hurstdog , Section Project [] Posted on Thu Apr 05, 2001 at 12:00:00 PM PST
As of right now there is no one place that all of the latest cvs commits
and adds are posted to (unless you count the web interface to the cvs repository, but then you need to look on a file-by-file basis). I've looked into setting up a scoop-cvs list, that
would get emailed with every cvs commit, but sourceforge doesn't seem to have
that feature presently. I did file a feature request though. What follows
below is a few things I've been thinking about for alternatives
to having a scoop-cvs list.
(16 comments, 650 words in story) Full Story >>