This box shows the focus box on the front page of kuro5hin as of today 4/11/02.
Box Code:
my $section = 'sectionname';
my $desc = $S->{SECTION_DATA}->{$section}->{title};
my $content;
my ($rv, $sth) = $S->db_select({
WHAT => 'sid, title',
FROM => 'stories',
WHERE => qq{section = "$section" AND displaystatus >= 0},
ORDER_BY => 'time DESC',
LIMIT => 3
while (my $story = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $comments = $S->_commentcount($story->{sid});
my $s = ($comments ==1) ? '' : 's';
$content .= qq{
<b><A HREF="|rootdir|/story/$story->{sid}">$story->{title}</A></b><br>($comments comment$s)<br>}; #|
$content .= qq{
<font size="1"><div align="right">
<a href="">About this Focus Topic</a><br>
Sponsored by <a href=""></a></div></font>
return {'content' => $content, 'title' => qq{Focus: <a href="/section/$section"><font color="#eeeeee">$desc</font></a>}};